GPIdirect...Ready to Serve!
Our team stands ready to provide the printing and mailing services you need to help keep your organization running smoothly and keep you connected with your customers.
We have many new services available such as banners and signage, ad specialties, Corporate Wearables, and much more. We offer the ability to place order or request estimates in person or you can place your order or estimates through our website, by phone, or by email.
We hope that you, your colleagues, and your families stay healthy and we look forward to a continued partnership together supporting our local businesses!
Hot Off The Press
Is your business regularly using Facebook as a marketing platform? If not, it’s high time to jump on the bandwagon!
These days it’s easy to feel like everything is digital. After looking at your inbox, you’d be hard-pressed to believe your mailbox was still a viable marketing channel...but it is!
Blogs can do a lot for your business, and we’re here to tell you exactly what benefits they can deliver.